Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Jordan River Parkway

Unlike my previous posts, the Jordan River Parkway is an urbanized route that will extend from Utah Lake in the south to the Great Salt Lake marshlands in the north when completed.  This parkway was established during the 1970s, primarily for flood control and to restore the natural beauty that once existed along the Jordan River.  At the time it was an immense undertaking, given the years of neglect and urban encroachment on the natural habitat, yet wise planners realized that protection of the river was necessary.  Each of the municipalities bordering the river would need to contribute to the cleanup effort and reclaiming the land for the restoration to take full effect.  Though there is still more work that needs to be done, progress is being made along the parkway, and recreational opportunities abound.  Some of the amenities of the Jordan River Parkway include: paved bicycling paths, boardwalks, equestrian trails, fishing, picnic areas, wildlife observation points, and community parks with playgrounds and restrooms.
This post is a brief description of the Jordan River route from the Spring View Farms Trailhead in Bluffdale to the Rose Park Golf Course in the North Rose Park area of Salt Lake.  To reach the Spring View Farms Trailhead from I-15, take the 14600 South exit (Exit 288) and turn northwest onto SR 140 to reach 14600 South.  At approximately 1.2 miles from I-15, a single-lane underpass is encountered just before reaching the trailhead.  Be sure to stop and check for oncoming traffic before proceeding.  The trailhead is about 0.4 miles beyond the underpass along the right (north) side of the road.  To reach the Rose Park Golf Course from I-80, take the Redwood Road exit (Exit 118) and turn north onto Redwood Road (SR 68).  Drive north for approximately 2.3 miles where the golf course will be on the right (east) side of the road.  There are also, of course, many other access points to the Jordan River Parkway in the Salt Lake metropolitan area.
The Spring View Farms Trailhead
sign near 14600 South
View looking towards the Wasatch
Mountains along the Jordan River path

While I have never actually walked the entire distance of the parkway mentioned in this post, I have been on good portions of it at various locations.  Also, there are parts of the route that aren't well marked, and it's easy to take the seemingly correct fork – only to realize later that you should have taken the other fork.  Given that we're in an urban setting, however, it's impossible to become too lost.  From Spring View Farms, the trail extends northward under the Bangerter Highway and on towards the Riverbend Golf Course.  Past the golf course and beyond the next underpass, stay on the right (east) side of the river for about 1.6 miles and then cross the footbridge to the west just before 11400 South.  Continuing on through the South Jordan Parkway underpass at 10600 South, the Jordan River Migratory Bird Reserve spans along the east side of the river.  Just north of Shields Lane in the Sandy City portion of the parkway is the three-acre Sandy Pond, which allows for urban fishing and boating.  At the 7800 South underpass, Gardner Village shopping and dining area lies just west of the trail on the other side of the TRAX rail line.  The path continues beyond Gardner Village along the west side of the river for approximately 2.1 miles where a footbridge crosses to the east just before the I-215 underpass.  Another 1.2 miles beyond I-215 brings you to Millrace Park just past the 5400 South underpass along the west side of the river.  This park offers a playground, pond, and restrooms.  A unique amenity in this area is the Kennecott Nature Center, which provides environmental learning experiences for children in the Murray and Granite School Districts.  Just before reaching the 4500 South underpass in Taylorsville, a Freedom Shrine honors the military veterans of the area who died in World Wars I and II.  In West Valley City across the river from the Oxbow Jail complex is the Utah Cultural Celebration Center that unifies cultural diversity through its various events.  Not far from this point a footbridge crosses to the west side of the river where the route passes next to the Khadeejah Islamic Center about 0.9 miles further.  Continuing on through the SR 201 Freeway underpass and 2100 South itself, the trail crosses the river again to the east side at the edge of the Glendale Golf Course.
The Jordan River path is great
for miles of bicycle riding
The International Peace Gardens in Salt
Lake City is one of the many amenities
along the Jordan River Parkway

One of the main attractions along the Jordan River Parkway is the International Peace Gardens in Salt Lake City at 1000 South.  These gardens and monuments dedicated to specific countries represent the true spirit of democracy and peace throughout the world.  After passing through the I-80 underpass, the trail ends briefly and you have to walk along 200 South to 1000 West, and then north to North Temple Street.  Once at North Temple, walk west along the north side of the street to a point on the west edge of the Utah State Fair Grounds where the Jordan River Trail begins again.  Distance from the Spring View Farms Trailhead to the Rose Park Golf Course is approximately 27.5 miles one-way with an elevation loss of approximately 180 feet.  It is worth mentioning that the Jordan River Trail continues beyond the Rose Park Golf Course and eventually connects with the Legacy Parkway Trail in Davis County.

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